Sunday, 3 November 2019


By Mara Online News Reporter
About 5,000 trees have been planted at Mrito village which is located near Mara River on the Tanzanian side.
 Planting of the trees was made possible recently by Lake Victoria Water Basin Board (LVWBB) through Mara- Mori Catchment Office after getting the seedlings from Global Resources Alliance, an environmental organization that is led by the son of the Tanzanian’s founding father of the nation, Mr Madaraka Nyerere.

“We thank Global Resources Alliance because they are the ones giving us the trees and we will continue planting more trees in Butiama and Musoma districts “, Mara-Mori River Water Catchment Officer Engineer Mwita Mataro told journalists on Sunday.
Deforestation is one of the major environmental concerns within Mara River Basin and other parts of the region which also borders Lake Victoria.
 Apart from supporting wildlife conservation in Serengeti- Masai Mara ecosystem, Mara River is a source of livelihood to about 1.1 million Tanzanians and Kenyans.
 The river starts in Mau forests in Kenya and flows through Maasai Mara Game Reserve and Serengeti National Park before empting its water into Lake Victoria on the Tanzanian side.
The 8th Mara Day celebration which held in Tanzania in September came up with 10 resolutions that will help to protect the Mara River basin.
Lake Victoria Basin Commission (LVBC) says it will prioritize implementation of the 8th Mara Day resolutions.


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