Friday, 23 August 2019


From a Correspondent,

 MINISTER of State in the Vice President's Office (Environment and Union) ,Mr. George Simbachawene has underscored  the need to protect ecosystem in Kihansi Basin for  the current and future generations.

 Mr. Simbachawene when he   made working tour into the basin recently .

The minister witnessed reintroduction of Kihansi Spray Toads (KST) into its natural milieu.

“I commend the current research activities on Kihansi basin because its ecology is unique,” he said.

He urged researchers to continue with their work and submit their findings and recommendations that that would help to protect the basin’s ecology.

“Kihansi has many unique features including the KST and butterflies” Mr Simbachawene said.

The Minister said that Tanzanians ought to thank God for such a unique ecology which if well promoted around the global could increase the number of tourists visiting the country.

“Given its potentials and ecological uniqueness, it is important that every stakeholder should play his or her role in making sure that the basin is conserved and protected ,” he said.

He also commended the Environment Management Council (NEMC), Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), University of Dar es Salaam and Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute (TAWIRI) and other stakeholders for good work they  are doing   to conserve and protect Kihansi basin .

“I have been informed that this project comes to an end in December, this year and due to its  importance   want  you (stakeholders) of the project to meet ahead of the deadline to discuss on how to sustain all activities  that have been done in the past," he said.

MINISTER of State in the Vice President's Office (Environment and Union) ,Mr. George Simbachawene Participates in an exercise of re-introducing Kihansi spray toads on the basin recently. 

NEMC Director General, Dr. Samuel Gwamaka said the council would continue to enforce implementation of environmental laws and regulations in collaboration with other stakeholders and ensure that the ecology of Kihansi basin is free from threats.

“We will continue using the current laws and regulations in making sure that the area’s environment is protected and we will bring proposals for formulation of new laws that will make it mandatory to
protect the  ecology for the benefits of the present and future generations ,” he said.

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